Online Store


Road Warriors Fund

$ 1.00
In stock

We know that many of you have purchased every single piece of merchandise that the band has produced, and for that we are extremely grateful – you keep us going! Some of you have expressed that you’d like to buy some more goodies in order to support us… but you already have everything!

So, we created the Road Warriors Fund! These funds will go toward our travel costs which include transportation, gas, and lodging to and from shows. If you’d like to donate some additional dollars to help keep this bunch of Scottish Gypsies on the road, just select the number of dollars you’d like to donate and hit add to the cart.


We know that many of you have purchased every single piece of merchandise that the band has produced, and for that we are extremely grateful – you keep us going! Some of you have expressed that you’d like to buy some more goodies in order to support us… but you already have everything!

So, we created the Road Warriors Fund! These funds will go toward our travel costs which include transportation, gas, and lodging to and from shows. If you’d like to donate some additional dollars to help keep this bunch of Scottish Gypsies on the road, just select the number of dollars you’d like to donate and hit add to the cart.

This will really help us out, and next time you see us at a gig… mention it to us after the show, and we’ll give you some big sweaty hugs!

We cannot thank our fans enough for the continual support shown to us while we are on the road touring, pumping out the shows in our second home – America! We appreciate you guys; the support you show us makes it all worthwhile!
